Ramblings from a former Alaskan

The occasional ramblings, thoughts, rants, etc., from an independent who has lived all over the country.

Monday, July 02, 2007


What happened to all the earlier months in 2007?

How can it be July already?

As my dh says, I've been busier than a one-legged grape stomper.

I have my soaps in three stores now. I'm pretty sure I'll get an order from another account, which is cool since she has two stores she wants to carry them in. I'm hoping I'll get one soap and one lotion in yet another outlet. I guess it's time for me to go knock on their door again.

Last night, very early this morning, I did get one page up on the website. It's just until I can get pictures of the products taken, and all the other stuff that needs to be done finished.

I have made mistakes in starting the business. A few things that I hadn't thought about happened. I'll have to make a couple adjustments after the first of the year.

All in all, I'm having fun. After so many years of writing and rejection, it's amazing when I walk into a store and they actually want my products.

Time to look at the new stuff that arrived today. And then I need to package up some batches of soap I've made. After that's done, I need to actually make another batch or two. I did make three batches yesterday. My soap store rooms smells so yummy. Which all of you could get a whiff of the soaps.

Oh, if any new soap-makers happen to find this blog, Elements Bath & Body is a wonderful vendor. Her prices are reasonable, and for those of us in Alaska and Hawaii, her shipping can't be beat. I ordered last week, and received everything today. As usual it arrived in perfect shape.

Off to work.


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