Ramblings from a former Alaskan

The occasional ramblings, thoughts, rants, etc., from an independent who has lived all over the country.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Various things

The temps are much better. Yay. Okay, so they are still below twenty, but at least they're above zero and the windchills are now above zero or at least single digits when they are subzero.

There's something in the air. It's my desire to go home. While I enjoy the work and the people here, I miss my home and my family I left behind. I miss my view. God, do I miss my view.

Writing. I haven't done much writing while over here. I doubt if I get much done while here.

Do I regret coming here? No.

If you write, are waiting for the break or the bigger contract, and putting all your eggs in the writing basket; stop it.

Yes, writing is a job. I know it. In fact, I've spent weeks, no months, working 18 hour days on creating a book. I know how damned hard it is.

But if it's your job that isn't paying enough or anything at all right now and you don't have another source of income then get back out there and earn a steady paycheck until you can live off your writing.

Yes, it will cut into your writing time. Big time. You might go for periods of time without writing a word. And forget your Internet life. It will probably be shot all to hell.

In return you'll have a steady paycheck. When the bills arrive you won't want to sit down and cry. You'll pull out the checkbook, write the check and pay them. One HUGE stress will be relieved.

The best thing though...when you do write, the writing will be better. Or at least my writing has improved. I don't worry about how I'm going to pay for this or that, while I'm trying to create compelling characters and stories. I know there will be food on the table, heat when I want it, new clothes when I need them.

When I sit down to write, all I have to worry about is the story. The writing.

While my writing time has suffered, my writing hasn't.



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