Ramblings from a former Alaskan

The occasional ramblings, thoughts, rants, etc., from an independent who has lived all over the country.

Monday, August 28, 2006


For visually challenged, it's Oh shit where did my Monday go.

It went the same place almost every day has gone starting with Wednesday. Actually, it started before Wednesday, but that was the day I noticed something was off. Really off. I talked to a friend on Wednesday. I'd only had two hours sleep. I couldn't go back to sleep and I couldn't wake up either. Said friend told me to get my arse back in bed. Okay, that wasn't exactly the language used. It was more like, "man, you have plenty of hours before you have to go to work. Take a nap." I did...about a four hour nap. And I needed every second of it.

Wednesday night/Thursday morning was a bitch. Not the worst, but for some reason it hit me harder than busy nights usually hit me. When the 6 a.m. crew rolled in, I stumbled out. But I had a few things that I had to take care of before I could go to bed. I had a letter to write that had to be post marked on Thursday. I really needed to get the dissolution and settlement papers sent to Homer so they could be filed. I'd signed them over two weeks ago, it was time to get them on their way.

So about noonish, I'd finished at the post office and came home and crashed. I know I woke sometime on Thursday afternoon/evening. When? I don't really know. But I didn't stay up very long. As it turned dark outside, I was back in bed, sleeping. And coughing. And coughing. And coughing.

Friday morning I woke pretty early. After dinking around for a few hours, I called to set up an appointment with Pete in a couple weeks. Oops. Pete had an opening Friday afternoon. What the hell. I scheduled a one o'clock with him, and ignored the zillion cats trying to claw their way out of my throat and the coughing and the floating head syndrom.

By the time Pete finished with me, I looked at him and asked, "Is there anything in this world that a trim, dye job and divorce can't fix?"

Well, yes, there is. To make the rest of this somewhat short, I went to bed at 8 p.m. Friday night and got up at 5 a.m. this morning (Monday). In the hours inbetween Friday and Monday, I spent about 12 of them awake. My legs aren't rubbery now. My head isn't floaty. My throat feels much better. But two hours and one shower later and I'm thinking it's nap time again. I really want to go to work tonight. It's bad enough wasting my days off being sick. It's worse using paid leave for sick days.


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