Ramblings from a former Alaskan

The occasional ramblings, thoughts, rants, etc., from an independent who has lived all over the country.

Monday, May 29, 2006

The last few months

I've been very silent. Sure I couldn't post to my web site, but I didn't realize that until last week.

Why have I been so deathly silent? Many reasons. Life.

Roger and I have spent most of the year separated.

I went back to Dillingham in January and stayed there until the end of April. I seriously considered staying there permanently. If they hadn't changed my schedule on me, I probably would have signed up for the duration. But they changed the schedule and it was the schedule from hell. Enduring it for over three months was bad enough. Looking at it for a year or five wasn't something I was willing to do.

The real story is much longer, but the condensed version is much shorter. I applied on-line to a couple places while the "new" manager at Dillingham evaluated me. One of the elsewhere places contacted me. We talked. We had a couple phone interviews. They made me an offer. A few days later I accepted their offer.

After my contract in Dillingham ended at the end of April, I returned to Homer for a few days to pack so I could get over to Whittier to catch the ferry. My new home is Juneau. It's taken almost a decade, and for those of you who watched us leave Ketchikan you'll know how much we loved southeast Alaska, I'm finally back home. On May 13th, when I woke up on the ferry, I dressed, went outside and looked around me. I knew I was home.

The trees were as tall and majestic as I remembered. More importantly, they're still alive. The eagles sore above them on clear days.

The picture above is of Mendenhall glacier.

I'll try to add more pictures later today, but first I have to run a few errands.

Oh, the status of my marriage? Well, I really thought it was over. But I've seen a new Roger lately. I hate to get my hopes up, but he's more like he was a decade ago than he's been in the last five year. We're selling out in Homer and Roger and the pups will come over to Juneau. We're going to give it another try.

Wish us luck.


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