Ramblings from a former Alaskan

The occasional ramblings, thoughts, rants, etc., from an independent who has lived all over the country.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Life in a rain forest

The waterfall is by Mendenhall Glacier and yes, those dots are people. I love listening to the water rushing down the mountain.

We had several days of sunshine. When it rained it only lasted for a few hours, a day at the most.

Then this past weekend arrived. Friday morning was gorgeous. By the time I got off work on Friday at 2:30 p.m. it was raining and the wind blowing. The wind has stopped, but the rain hasn't. Yep, that's life in the middle of a rain forest.

But...we don't let a little thing like that stop us. Nope, this is southeast Alaska where we play in the rain, snow and even the sunshine. All seven days of sunshine.

Saturday I went to downtown Juneau. In my vehicle. I'll never do that again. I looked for a nice street to turn on so I could go back down the hill. As I kept driving up the hill the streets became narrower and narrower. When I reached the top, I had to turn. Supposedly the street supported two way traffic. Oh, sorry, I'm still laughing about that one. It was bumper to bumper with parked cars the whole length of the street. Which meant traffic could only go one way on that street. I took my chances and made it to the corner where I could turn and go back down the hill.

I was really, really, really happy to see the street that is Egan Highway farther out. I made a right onto it, leaving the tourist (they have no idea that a red light has the same meaning in Alaska as it has in the lower 48) behind and going to flatter land. Lemon Creek to be exact. Costco if you must know. I rewarded myself by going shopping. I survived downtown Juneau...in the summer...in the rain. I think I understand why they've allowed the politicians and tourists to take over that area. Really. Honestly.

Life is good in Juneau.


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