Ramblings from a former Alaskan

The occasional ramblings, thoughts, rants, etc., from an independent who has lived all over the country.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Catching up

Three days off. Yay! I just spent the last fourteen hours sleeping. This is my recovery weekend. I'm feeling much better. Amazing what antibiotics and sleep will do.

The great literary debate of 2006. Two books. This is Chick Lit and This is NOT Chick Lit. Sorry, I'm too lazy to include links. Women bashing other women. Or is it? According to the email loops that I'm on, men don't bash other men. Right. Maybe those who claim that should have a one on one discussion with Stephen King.

There's a discussion about boycotting the authors of This is NOT Chick Lit. What many appear to forget is this book also has an editor and publisher. Why not boycot the editor and publisher? Oh, I wonder if the reason they aren't going after the publisher is because the publisher is Random House? I wonder how many chick lit books Random House and all its imprints publishes a year. I don't have the numbers, but from a casual glance at my bookshelf, plenty.

Stop the bickering. If either book gets people to read, who in the hell cares what the title on the cover says? It doesn't matter if you're bashing one or the other, you're just as bad as the ones you think are bashing you. Get over it. Hell, Amazon is bundling the two books together. Smart move on their part. Because I think a lot of people who order one will order the other to see what the fuss is all about.

Me? There are times I want serious and times when I want funny and times I want both at the same time.

Leave the bashing to Miss Snark and her Crap-O-Meter.

In other news, not that it's really news. Summer is over. I did enjoy July 28th, but I slept through August 20th. Hey, at least I did enjoy one of our two days of summer. Better than sleeping through both of them.

Soon the last ship will sail into Juneau, stay a few hours, then sail away, leaving the docks deserted until next spring. I think most of us here are ready for the last sailing. It's nice to see the new faces in the spring, but it's time for them to leave us alone for a while. Before long the politicians will come back to town. It's nice to have a break between those two events.

Which means, I need to take this time when the summer group is leaving and before the politicians arrive and find a new place to live. I don't want to spend the winter in this apartment. I'd like an apartment that's on the ground floor. One that's in the valley, where they don't get as much rain as we do on Douglas Island. The valley also gets direct winter sun. I'd also like a place where I can come home from work and find a parking place. Oh, and one that has working appliances would be very nice. Yeah, I know, it's the little things. They really do make life much nicer.

Speaking of life. I have a friend who is fighting for his life as I type. After getting the latest report, I do have hope that he'll pull through this. But he's not out of danger yet. Not by a long shot. His wife needs him to stick around. His kids need him to be there for them. Hell, his friends need him, too. If you're the praying kind, please say one for him.

Even with all that going on, life is good. I'm getting better. It looks like the stall in the divorce might not last near as long as I'd feared. Work is going very well. Each day, there's more to celebrate than there is to complain about. And I have something really fun lined up for the near future.


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