Ramblings from a former Alaskan

The occasional ramblings, thoughts, rants, etc., from an independent who has lived all over the country.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Sun, Costco, staying up over 24 hours

The pictures are from June 10th, 2006. They were taken at The Shrine for Saint Therese.

I'm a sucker for huge trees, especially moss covered huge trees.

These are the trees that I posted a few days ago. The one where I said it's simply amazing what those trees are hiding. Well, yes, they're hiding more trees.

But they're also hiding this gorgeous little chapel. I did go into the chapel, but something in me wouldn't let me take pictures of the inside. It was very nice inside though. New wooden pews. New stained windows. All in all it was as peaceful and serene inside as it was outside.
Yesterday was another sunny day. I wonder if people in Hawaii appreciate their sunny days as much as we love ours. When there are so many rainy days inbetween the sunny ones, everyone hates to waste them with things like work.

I got off work at 6 a.m., came home for a couple hours before a 9 a.m. appointment. After the appointment, I enjoyed the sun.

Then to put the perfect touch on the end of a perfect day, I stopped by Costco. My goal was to score a tub of grape tomatoes and some new bath towels. They have some big fluffy ones that I've eyed for a few months. Yesterday was the day to finally start my collection.

First things first. I got a couple of the bath towels. Yay. Oh, great, they had sheets for a good price too. Cool. I could use some more. Oh, look, they have more jeans. After all, a diet of grape tomatoes and living on the third floor means the jeans I bought when I came over here are pretty loose on me. So, it was time to buy new, smaller jeans again.

Finally, I went to the produce section. WTF?!!! Not one tub of grape tomatoes. None. Zero. Zilch. Crap. Hell. And a few choice thoughts of more serious profanity. What the hell could I do? What the hell would I eat?

Hehehehe. Screw that crap. They didn't have grape tomatoes, but by god they had chocolate.

Yeah. I have new smaller jeans and a Costco bag of chocolate. What's wrong with this picture? How many trips up and down the stairs will I have to make to still fit into the smaller jeans? Was that one of the stupidist moves I've made in a long time?

There is hope though. As much as it pains me to do so, I can always take the majority of the Costco sized bag of chocolate into the lab. I do owe one of my co-workers a lifetime of chocolate. She filled in for me when I was sick and it's been years since she's worked nights. Other than a few pieces missing after I opened the bag yesterday, it's pretty much intact. My first installation of a lifetime of chocolate for Maggie.

Hey, better her than me. And it was dark chocolate too. Man. That will kill me for sure. Giving up a huge bag of dark chocolate.

But I'll do it for the new jeans. I want to wear them.

Oh, the twenty-four hours. Because it was sunny, I stayed up for over 24 hours just so I could enjoy the sun. It was worth it. Around 5 p.m. yesterday I decided to take a nap. I woke up from my "nap" at 3:30 this morning.

I'd hate to live in the apartment under me. I've been doing laundry since 3:30 a.m. I wonder why they glare at me when they see me. Actually, I don't even know who lives under me. If I saw them I wouldn't recognize them.

Okay...it's about time for the rest of Alaska to wake up. I have a few hours of sun to burn before I nap before work tonight. More sun. Yes, we go manic here when the sun shines. Oh hell yes, very manic.


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